Tuesday, September 16, 2014

FAQ #2: Are you going to Blog?

I have kept a personal blog on and off over the years as a way of documenting life, or moments of life, so the boys will have some idea when they grow up of what our life looked like. I am quite possibly the worst when it comes to family memorabilia. Oliver loves looking at Austin's one baby album (a store bought version with 24 slots for photos) because he does not have one of his own. He keeps asking me when he will have one and I keep answering "Oh, great idea! I'll do that this week!" This has been routine for about 4 months. 

I do have tons of pictures. They are on Picassa. I do have written down quotes. They are on Facebook, and even those died out last year when I lost my love for good ol' FB. I do have baby books. They have about 4 pages filled in. But, this next year will most likely hold moments that I do not want to forget and I am going to make a genuine effort to capture them and furthermore, share them with this WWW in the case it brings a smile or a story somebody's way.  

The name came from lots of thinking and then finally just choosing. I let the boys decide and since this title had "pirates" in it, they were all in. I was thinking "Cougar Life" as our fifth wheel is a cougar, but my friend Gina who writes for a living cautioned I might get unwanted traffic with my play on words. Hulse Adventures has zero ring to it. I liked Life Roadies, but it was nixed by the boys and "Roving Pirates" won. It is a play on a little tradition the boys have. They have started a hobby of geocaching with my parents and formed a team name, the "Geo Pirates." They even have a logo and stamp that my sister created which is a giraffe riding a shark that is flying through the sky. Their motto is, "By sea, air or land, we'll have the treasure in our hand" or something like that. I was going to name the blog Geo Pirates but felt it was a little insensitive to steal a name from my parents when they don't get to travel with us. 

So, welcome to the blog :) I hope to fill it with grand adventures that really will be a treasure for my little scallywag and cabin boy. 

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